• Dassel-Cokato Schools believe technology should enhance instruction and student learning experiences.

    Every classroom is equipped with either a PC computer and an interactive display or a Chromebook and interactive display that includes a PC computer. Every child has access to a computer via labs, classroom sets, shared carts and at the HS, full one-to-one (one computer to each child). Students are introduced to digital media and programming at an early age and we expand on that learning every year up to graduation.
    • All students grades K-12 have computers available for use in the classroom.
    • Grades 5-6 have sets of computers in the classroom (one for each student).
    • Grades 7-12 each have their own computer assigned and are offered the opportunity to take them home.
    • Full labs and specialized PCs are provided to support software such as the software used in accounting and business, AutoCAD and 3d modeling, robotics, video production, and graphics applications like Adobe Photoshop.
  • Dassel-Cokato

    4852 Reardon Ave. SW Ste. 1800
    Cokato, MN 55321
    Main (320) 286- 4100 ext. 1884 (Helpdesk)

    Director of Technology 
    Lucas Beneke

    Systems Administrator, PAC Director
    Tyler Meyer

    Information Technology Service Technician
    Joshua Roles