- Dassel-Cokato Schools
- Bus Routes and Times
Bussing Routes and Times
Bussing Routes and Times (IN TOWN)
Routes and Times will remain similar from year to year. New families (please make sure to submit the Request for Transportation form) or those with route changes will be contacted by mail, email or phone prior to the beginning of school with bus number, pickup time and location.
Hazard riders are children living in an area where they must overcome a hazard, (such as cross a major roadway or railroad crossing) to get to school and are living within one mile of their school.
Middle school and high school students who are not assigned an in-town pick-up should board the bus at the elementary school each morning. The last bus leaves the elementary for the middle/high school at 7:50 am.
Bussing Routes and Times (RURAL)
The school will as far as possible, provide transportation service to and from home or daycare if the following criteria are met:
- Point of pick-up is in a safe location and roads are in satisfactory condition (clear of snow and mud). Stops on steep inclines or near the crest of a hill are not safe and other arrangements will need to be made. In cases when the bus cannot get through due to mud or snow, it is the parent/guardian responsibility to get them to a safe bus stop, or school.
- All turnarounds should be plowed wide enough to accommodate a school bus when it snows. If your turnaround is not plowed, please call dispatch (286-4100, ext 1005) to notify the bus not to come.
- Other arrangements will be necessary if there is not a clear view at the point of turnaround.
- If you live on a dead-end road/ cul-de-sac, the school will provide transportation if you live 1/2 mile or more from the main road; and, if there is a suitable place to turn around. Students who live less than 1/2 mile from the main road; or there is not a suitable turnaround, will need to meet the bus at the main road.
Buses, as much as possible, will start at the end of the routes and travel towards the school, thereby giving the benefit of time to the greatest number of students.
PM routes will be run in the same order as AM routes as far as possible, to even out the length of a bus ride for all, as follows:
- The driver is to travel over the route and make stops according to the timetables as designated by the administration; with no student boarding their bus before 7:00 AM, as much as possible.
- Point of pick-up is in a safe location and roads are in satisfactory condition (clear of snow and mud). Stops on steep inclines or near the crest of a hill are not safe and other arrangements will need to be made. In cases when the bus cannot get through due to mud or snow, it is the parent/guardian responsibility to get them to a safe bus stop, or school.